Monday 22 September 2014

our first two weeks

We have been drawing
Look at all the new things that we have been doing this week...
We have been building towers

we have shared snack together

we have made playdough cakes

Counted with numbers

Talked about our feelings

explored our ict games

took photographs of our friends

drew pictures for each other

made new friends

made shapes 

Monday 8 September 2014

Welcome everyone to our new school term!

You will notice a few changes around the room, we have been busy creating exciting areas and new resources for you to explore.  We always welcome new ideas and feedback, so please let us know what you think of our new room.

You may also notice new faces in the room, Charlotte and Michelle will be still joining us from last year, Amanda is moving from the 2-3 year room, Desiree will be covering Amy's maternity leave and Emma will be joining us from school to be our new room leader.

We hope you enjoy your first week back with us and look forward to sharing some of the things we have been getting up to over the next few weeks!