Friday 20 June 2014

Free Painting...

We all had lots of fun this week taking part in lots of free painting activities. We all chose the resources they wished to use on their own pictures from paintbrushes, rollers and sponges to cutters and even our own hands ( that was our favorite and very messy!!) We used language of size when comparing our hands observing the sizes each each of our hands, some were big others were smaller....

Miley spent a long period of time painting her hands and even her face using her was lots of fun and very messy!!

Molly observes what happens when she mixes various colours together on her hands 'Its brown now' she says holding up her hands.

Joseph decides to paint his hands two different purple and the other orange!

'Take a picture of me i'm having fun' Zainab says to the adult. 

We all washed our hands independently after our acitity making sure all the paint washed off our hands...

     We hung our pictures up to dry ready for them to go home with                                   our Mummy's and Daddy's.

Monday 16 June 2014

Father Day Football....

       We had a fantastic time playing football with our Mum's and Dad's at nursery, it was so much fun showing them our football skills. Coach Brian played lots of different football games with us. Our favourite game was stealing the cakes....we had to steal the 'football cake' before our Mum's and Dad's saw us, we had to race them and score lots of goals!
         We would like to say a big thank you to all those who took part and to coach Brian from little kickers for offering his time and skills....

Joshua racing his Mummy to score a goal...

Nicola and Wicktoria were very excited when they saw their Daddy arrive to play football at nursery....

Pheobe and Olly enjoyed teaching the adults how we do press-ups....

We did really well scoring goals against our Mum's and Dad's...... we beat them!!